It is a great pleasure to publish the last issue of the year 2021, it is also a sincere joy to reflect that all the other three issues of the year could be successfully published in time amid the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Our journal has always emphases upon concepts that are related to the interdisciplinary nature; likewise the present issue also deals with variety of subjects which traces on socio-political, literature, history, entrepreneurship and ethnic discourses. We are very fortunate to have proficient academicians, as well as research scholars contributing their research articles from different fields across the country. The issue contains fifteen research articles, out of which seven are written in English and eight are written in Mizo language.
In the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to report that two-day International Mizo Poetry Festival was organized by the Department of Mizo, Mizoram University in collaboration with Mizo Poetry Society (MIPOTY) on the 17th and 18th of December 2021 through online mode. The theme of the festival was “Peace and Harmony”, its main purpose was to create unification and harmony among the different communities of Mizo across the globe. More than thirty Mizo poets present their poems and a number of enthusiasts from different countries participated during this festival. Poetry and songs has been an integral part of the Mizo folk since time immemorial and the great advancement from those times to the contemporary period was witnessed during the poetry festival.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the contributors for enriching our journal with their excellent articles. I hope that this journal and future issues to come will be a useful resource for researchers and academicians.