Abstract: The study concerns the different literary genres of High School Mizo textbooks for the development of language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. Each of the genres were analyzed and based on the analysis, it was observed that both the textbooks were satisfactory in terms of the contribution of genres where different topics were introduced for promoting writing skills, listening skills and speaking skills that were included in the exercises. Moreover, topics such as proverbs and manners and etiquette were also presented in such a way that the students will develop their reading skills.
Key words: Genres, High School, Mizo Textbooks, MBSE, Development, Language, Skills, Content Analysis.
A textbook is a book used for the study of a subject which is a part of school curriculum. Textbook sometimes have questions to test the knowledge and understanding of the students. It plays an important role in teaching and learning process as they are the primary agents of leading knowledge to learners. Textbooks are important tool of successful learning; students learn what is presented in textbook.
Hutchinson and Torres (1994) identify four ways in which textbooks can help in times of educational change: first as “a vehicle for teacher and learner training”; second because they provide “support and relief “from the burden of looking for materials: third by providing “as complete a picture as possible” of “what the change will look like”; and fourth through the “psychological support” they give to teachers.
Textbooks play a very crucial role in teaching and learning of language and they are considered as one of the most important factor element in learning language after teacher. For learners, textbook is the most important sources of contact they have with the language. It is a guide that helps them to organize their learning. There are different subjects in textbook, but their method, style and techniques are different.
Genre is important in order to be able to arrange writings based on their form, content and style. This allows readers to understand whether the events being written about are factual / imaginative or not. Readers and writers both use genres because of the perceptive and social work they fulfill for writers, using the patterns of a genre accepted by readers to fulfill their purposes allows them to make a working relationship with readers. Familiarity with genres can make life easier for readers and writers. It provides the writer with general organizational patterns that can help them arrange what they say and when they say it. It also helps the readers to organize information so that they can more easily make sense of what they are about to read. It is important to study about the feature of different genre as it helps readers to recognize what they are reading and quickly adjust their style of reading.
It is in need to have an analytical study of High School Mizo Textbooks as many recommendations have suggested that curriculum should be developed in accordance with the need of the learners and the content of the textbook must match with their mental level. It is thus need to find out whether the genres includes and focus on the skills that students need to practice and provide appropriate balance of the four language skills i.e. listening, reading, writing and speaking.
Mizo textbooks have been made by Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) keeping in mind all the objectives of teaching and learning language. Mother tongue is a medium through which one conveys emotions, views, ideas and interests are expressed. It is also further observed as a medium of acquiring knowledge, literacy and understanding. It is the dominant language and it is the main component of the cognitive development for the learners. It plays an important role in school and our society as well. Today, most of the students among secondary schools find it difficult to read, write and speak their mother tongue or language. As mother tongue is the best medium for the expression of one’s ideas and feelings, it is the most potent agent for mutual communication and exchange ideas. It is through language, and especially through the mother-tongue, that individuals improve themselves into a social organization and the original ideas are the product of one’s own mother tongue.
Therefore, the investigator felt the need and importance of analyzing the different literary genres of High School Mizo textbooks for the development of language skills whether the Textbooks present topics for bringing out the creativity and critical thinking skills as genres will prepare the students for a lifetime of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Objective: To analyze the different literary genres of High School Mizo Textbooks under MBSE for the development of language skills.
Methodology and Procedure
Research design: Qualitative research was used for the study.
Population and Sample: The population and sample contained the literary aspects of different genres such as poetry, prose, drama, fiction and rapid reader.
Mode of data collection: The researcher read the textbooks carefully and analyzed each genre in accordance with the objectives.
Procedure of data analysis: The researcher used content analysis for analyzing the textbooks.
Analysis and Interpretation
The categorization of Class IX and Class X Mizo textbooks were of same: Poetry, Prose, Grammar, Drama, Fiction and Rapid Reader. Each section carried different marks which were as follows:
Poetry – 18 Marks
Prose – 18 Marks
Grammar – 12 marks
Drama – 6 marks
Fiction – 5 Marks
Rapid Reader – 8 Marks
Apart from these, writing section such as FIR, Essay writing etc. carries 8 marks and reading section contains 5 marks.
The literary genres include poetry, prose, drama, fiction and rapid reader and the analysis of each genre for the development of language skills can be discussed below.
Poetry – Class IX
In the poetry section of Class IX, there were ten (10) poems which were:-
A saw raltiang tlangah- Lalmama
Hringhniang an liamna thlafam khua chu e- Saihnuna
Ka pian ka seilenna ram- Rokunga
Kan Zoram nuam- Hranghnuna
Lam ang ka lo let leh ta e- F.Rokima
Min ṭhen lul suh- Lalzova
Buannel- R.L. Thanmawia
Semsem dam dam- B.Bawlkhuma
Luahloh run- Zirsangzela Hnamte
Hmangaih Lenrual dar ang- Damhauhva
It was observed that in each of the poems except for the first topic, glossaries were given to the text for the students to understand difficult words in the poem. Moreover, the teacher can let the students read or follow after him/her and or make them listen while he/she reads in order to develop their listening skills and reading skills.
The Mizo textbook standard IX was observed to be satisfactory as it opened the scope for the development of different skills such as writing, speaking and listening skills by presenting exercises such as translating words orally or in writing.
The first poem introduced a gospel song “A saw raltiang tlangah” (The old rugged cross) which is about the love of God who sent his begotten son to the world to save the sinners with his life by being crucified at the cross. This song is one of the most valued songs and is commonly sung in the churches of Mizoram. It was observed that this poem is useful in developing students’ listening and reading skills as well as in enriching their vocabularies as it contains a good amount of difficult poetic words which could not be simply understood by the students.
Lesson 7 from the poetry section “Buannel” was about the history of Mizoram where no discrimination takes place regarding rich and poor and each of the individual enjoys their freedom and even the animals are left free. This poem provided opportunities for a teacher to talk about the history of Mizo culture and the myth story we have which was mentioned in the 5th stanza ‘Chawngtinleri’. Students were again expected to listen to the teacher and through their understanding, they were supposed to answer the questions given to them and share their ideas about the traditions and practices that differ between our ancestors and today which in turn develop the four skills of the students.
Lesson 8 “Sem sem dam dam” was also about the history of Mizo culture and the comparison between the olden times and today which was about selflessness or self-sacrifice, sharing all they have with one another instead of keeping or eating by themselves. It was also a poem which made challenged the younger by continuing and fostering the lives and practices of our elders. This poetry was found to be motivating and interesting for the students as it also developed the listening skills of students.
Poetry- Class X
In class X poetry sections, there were 10 poems which were:-
Aw Lalpa, Davida leh a thlah arsi – Patea
Kumsul liam hnu – C.Lalkhawliana
Chhulkhatkual – C.Durthanga
Zofate inpumkhatna – C.Chhuanvawra
Zobawmtu chhawkhlei par – H.Lalringa
Zirtukawng – SeletThanga
Mahriak ten arang ka vai e Parte – Lalzova
Awmharniinkachuanang – Zothanga
Chhingkhuallenmawi – P.S.Chawngthu
Hmangaihna – Vankhama
Class X poetry section was introduced with the two gospel songs and no glossaries were presented, but the sentences and the poetic words were not difficult for the students and it was easy to comprehend for them.
The 2nd poem “Kumsul liamhnu” was about a poem which conveyed the message of our savior Jesus Christ who was born for us to save our lives, it was interesting as well as motivating for the students that again expected the learners to listen and through their understanding, they were asked to write the substance of the poem which develops both listening and writing skills.
There were two poems “Chhulkhat kual” and “Zofate Inpumkhatna” that talked about the unity and diversity of all the Mizo tribes, inculcating the values of each clan to stand together, love one another to avoid the assimilation and govern by other culture as the term ‘Mizo’ is an umbrella term for different sub-clans and sub-tribes speaking different dialects and residing in different parts of the world. These poems provided opportunities for listening as well as speaking skills for the students to express their feelings and thoughts about their culture on account of unity and discrimination among Mizo tribes that continue to exist till date.
As most secondary students are adolescents, they are at the stage where they have been exposed to active interpersonal relationships in terms of romance. Class X poems include 3 romantic songs “Chhingkhual lenmawi”, “Mahriak ten ar ang ka vai e Parte” and “Hmangaihna”. These topics seem to be very interesting topics for students at their age and thus encourage them to learn which in turn helps them develop their listening skills, speaking and writing skills by expressing themselves, sharing their experiences of their relationship, fostering to create their own poem and give them the ability to write their own.
Prose section- Class IX
There were 11 lessons in the prose section of Class IX which were:-
A lem leh a tak – Vanneihtluanga
Mihring dikna leh chanvo – Lalhmanmawia
Tlawmngaihna leh aia upa zah – R.Lalrawna
Huaina – R.H.Rokunga
Rilru Puitling – H.Zothansanga
Incheina – P.L.Liandinga
Mahni inhneh – LalzuiaColney
Sumdawnna – LalrochuangaPachuau
Chhiatni Thatni – Thanpuii Pa
Nungcha leh zofate – B.Lalthangliana
Lungawina – James Dokhuma
The investigator observed that the prose section introduced many points for developing the four skills of language for students. Prose such as “Tlawmngaihna leh aia upa zah” and “Chhiatni Thatni” was about self-sacrifice and respect for elders and if these are explained carefully by the teachers, they become interesting and intriguing for the students to listen carefully. Moreover, the students will be encouraged to write articles or essays related to this topic and explore them to the world which will enhance their writing, speaking and listening skills as well.
There was also a message that conveyed human rights which were “Mihring dikna leh chanvo” and the content enabled the students to know their rights and to have respect for them. By listening and through their understanding, they were asked to discuss the different points emphasized by human rights that were given in the text and thus enhanced speaking and listening skills.
“Incheina” and “Lungawina” were topics that dealt with self-satisfaction, and inner peace and that contentment or happiness did not depend on the outer appearance. As they were very interesting topics, relevant and related to today’s life, they provided a chance for students to pay attention and listen to the teacher. This in turn developed their skills and through their understanding, they were expected to discuss and talk about the importance of satisfaction and that working on our inner beauty is far more important than dressing up to maintain our outer appearance. All these can improve and develop the writing skills as well as listening skills of the students.
Prose Section- Class X
The prose section of Class X consisted of 12 lessons which were:-
Nun kawng – R.L.Thanmawia
Ṭhalaite Khawvel – Siamkima Khawlhring
Mizo thufing
Kan zoram nuam – Thandanga
Zawlbuk – C. Lianhmingthanga
Kei ka pianna Mizoram – Zothansanga Khiangte
Peihna – Sangzuala
Nihna – Darchhawna
Mizote leh an nihna – B. Lalthangliana
Tihdan ṭha
Tlemte ka chhiar a, ka pass tho – Zikpuii Pa
Ral a lian e – H. Ngurthansanga
The prose section of Class X was found to be satisfactory as it provided a wide range of opportunities for the development of four skills of language for the students. It was introduced with “Nun kawng” which contained a message that motivates students to try hard without any desperation, fear and struggle and the importance of perseverance to succeed in life by mentioning examples of different American Presidents and some renowned personalities who struggled and faced hard times in life to reach their level of achievement. Related topics “Peihna” and “Tlemte ka chhiar a, ka pass tho” written by Zikpuii Pa were also learned which have the same meaning and content. These topics required the students to listen to the teacher and give their opinions on how to be successful in their learning and in life as well, and therefore develop their listening and speaking skills. They were also expected to write the important points to become a successful person that were mentioned in their textbook and this enhanced their writing skills.
The topic “Mizo Thufing” which was proverbs and the topic “Tihdantha” can develop the reading skills and writing skills of the students by letting them read and write the meaning in their own understanding.
“Ral a lian e!!!” written by H. Ngurthansanga was about HIV/AIDS which was a familiar and relevant topic that talked about the meaning and concept of HIV, the symptoms and its prevention. Through this topic, the students will develop listening skills and can further change the attitude of students towards HIV. It also provided a scope for writing essays or articles on the topic of HIV that will develop their writing skill and also share their ideas and experiences which will enhance speaking and listening skills as well.
Drama, Fiction and Rapid Reader- Class IX and Class X
All the drama sections, fiction and rapid readers in both Class IX and Class X Mizo textbooks were found to be appropriate as they provided interesting stories and thus offered opportunities for students to develop their listening skills through discussion, debates, role-playing, asking questions etc. Through active participation in these activities, students were expected to have improvement in their listening skills.
In the drama section of Class IX, “Lungrem a chim” written by Liansailova was learned and the fiction “Pathian samsuih” by Rev.Zokima and Rapid Reader “Irrawadi Luikamah” written by James Dokhuma were studied. In Class X drama, “Sual man thihna” written by LalthangfalaSailo was presented, the fiction “Tualte Vanglai” by Pastor Nikhama and Rapid Reader “Khawnglung Run” by R.Lalrawna was learned.
All these stories contained a variety of information such as a history of Mizo culture, a love story etc. which developed writing skills by letting the students write their ideas on some parts of the topic. The topics also enhanced speaking skills by asking questions; role-playing etc. and thus students could learn how to listen and comprehend what others are saying and try to respond to their fellow classmates which in turn increased the skills of speaking. Moreover, opportunities for reading skills were also provided by letting them read important points in order to remember them clearly.
It was therefore found that different literary genres of both textbooks contributed well to the development of language skills.
Findings and Conclusion:
- Both the genres of High school Mizo textbooks were found to be appropriate as they offer opportunities for students to develop their writing, speaking and listening skills by presenting interesting topics.
- It was also found out that both the textbooks provided opportunities for developing writing skills, by introducing challenging topics that are built with potential areas for students to write related articles or essays for the development of language learning.
- Class X Mizo textbook provided a scope for the development of reading and writing skills. It was also found that topics where exercises were not given such as ‘proverbs’ and ‘manners and etiquettes’ could also be used for improving the skills.
- n Fiction, drama and rapid reading presented in both textbooks were found to be appropriate for the development of language learning through exercises such as discussion, debate, role-playing, questions etc.
- n The genre of both the textbooks as a whole could be used as reading skill development material.
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Cite the original source:
Lalremsangi and Lalchhandami, Sian. “Different Literary Genres of High School Mizo Textbooks Under Mizoram Board of School Education for the Development of Language Skills: A Content Analysis.” Mizo Studies, IX, no. 1, Mar. 2020, pp. 64–78.